Salford SEMH Provision
Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs Provisions in Salford
Lewis Street - The Leaf
The Leaf is a special resourced class within a mainstream primary school (Lewis Street) for pupils in EYFS or Key Stage 1 (Nur – Year 2); it is staffed by a full time teacher and learning support assistants and can offer placement to up to 6 pupils at any time. The class is an integral part of the school and pupils join mainstream activities as part of their daily routines and transition programmes. All pupils in the class have an Education Health Care Plan with Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) needs. The curriculum is based on the Statutory Framework for Early Years and Key Stage 1 National Curriculum and is differentiated according to each pupil’s stage of development. There is a strong focus on Nurture and therapeutic approaches throughout all lessons and activities.
Buile Hill
Buile Hill Academy offer an Enhanced Resource Provision within their mainstream high school for pupils in Key Stage 3 (Year 7 – Year 9). It offers additional support for pupils with Education Health Care Plans who present with a primary need of Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) needs. Learning support assistants with expertise in supporting pupils with SEMH offer support both within the resource provision and also within mainstream lessons. We provide a secure and familiar environment for pupils during unstructured times. We aim for a truly integrated provision, so that students access the curriculum of mainstream lessons in a manner that suits their learning needs. Longer term we aim for all of our students to access at least part of a mainstream timetable by the end of Year 9, to be successful in their exams in Year 11 taking either GCSEs or BTEC and continuing on to college or an apprenticeship.
Moorside High School - The Link
The Link is an Enhanced Resource Provision within Moorside's mainstream high school for pupils in Key Stage 3 & 4 (Year 7 – Year 11). It offers additional support for pupils with Education Health Care Plans who present with a primary need of Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) needs. Learning support assistants with expertise in supporting pupils with SEMH (including Autistic Spectrum Condition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) offer support within The Link and also within mainstream lessons. The Link provides a secure and familiar environment for pupils during unstructured times including access to a separate outdoor area.
Alder Brook+
Alder Brook+ is a specialist setting for pupils in Early years, Key Stage 1 & 2 who have an Education Health Care Plan. The primary need on the plan is Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH). The setting support those pupils who can access the academic learning environment through differentiation and additional resources. Alder Brook’s aim is to support pupils in reintegrating back to mainstream settings including the pupils with EHC plans, where it is appropriate. Alder Brook offers a safe, nurturing environment following the National Curriculum with a bespoke take on the curriculum to meet the needs of the pupils. Pupils have access to regular therapeutic play and nurture sessions run by trained support staff. All staff regularly undertake a range training to support SEND. The school endeavours to achieve academic progress for every pupil through individualised planning, differentiated teaching, on-going assessments and end of term assessments. Each pupil accesses interventions to support their progress in the core areas of the curriculum daily.
Alder Brook is also the Local Authorities Pupil referral unit which means for any pupil, aged 4-11 years old who are permanently excluded, they would attend by the fifth day of the exclusion (this does not include fix term exclusions). Alder Brook also offer a short term placement intervention programme. This programme is for any pupils presenting with SEMH needs and early intervention has been accessed and further intervention is felt appropriate. A short term placement may be considered when parents and professionals involved feel a period of time for intense intervention would meet the pupil’s needs and improve successful inclusion in the mainstream school. This intervention programme includes parental engagement and CPD for the mainstream staff. This placement has a daily cost to the mainstream school. Pupils with EHC plans can also be considered.
New Park Academy
New Park Academy is a special setting for pupils in Key Stages 2, 3 & 4 (Year 3 – Year 11) who have been assessed as having social, emotional and/or mental health difficulties, often linked to other issues such as specific and/or moderate learning or communication difficulties. School recognises that their young people have often faced years of barriers to learning before they have been referred. School prides itself in seeing each child and young person as an individual and therefore looking for ‘out of the box’ solutions where needed: school needs to fit around the needs of the child – not the other way round! As a consequence, school has developed its thriving EOTIS programme that works with young people who do not manage education in any form of school setting for a wide range of reasons.
School offers the full curriculum adapted to the needs of the pupils, leading to a wide range of external qualifications from Entry Level to GCSE. A large number of teaching staff and teaching assistants are ELKLAN trained (a speech and language training programme). A senior Speech and Language Therapist is commissioned by school across all Key Stages to undertake assessments and advise staff on intervention plans, reassessing progress made over time. A School Counsellor offers individual confidential sessions for pupils and parents where needed and further offers outreach to our post 16 students in their first year after they have left school, supported by the Careers Advisor. Further holistic support includes interventions such as therapeutic art, dog therapy and nurture sessions.
Key Stage 2 provision is placed on the same site as Alder Brook Key Stage 2 PRU, whilst Key Stages 3 & 4 are taught on the purpose built site in Patricroft. Classes have no more than 8/9 pupils, supported by at least 2 qualified members of staff with additional support available. New Park Academy has an active re-integration programme into local mainstream schools and there are vocational opportunities for students in Key Stage 4.
Parents are welcome to contact/visit the school to discuss the needs of their child before a placement has been agreed. Full information is available on the school’s website