Emotionally Friendly Setting
New Park Academy is a Bronze Accredited Emotionally Friendly Setting.
One of our key principles, here at New Park Academy, is to support the wellbeing of both staff and pupils. We aim to ensure that all pupils are happy, healthy and able to cope with everything that life may throw at them. We promote and teach all pupils to be resilient, confident, have positive self-perceptions and appropriate coping mechanisms. We make sure that all pupils have access to a robust PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) curriculum and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education).
We recognise, however, that the mental wellbeing of both staff and pupils can change from day to day and that there are times in everybody’s life when a little extra help or support may be needed.
As a school, we are able to provide a nurturing environment in small classes and also in one to one intervention. We have a School Counsellor, Therapeutic Art sessions, Therapeutic baking, Lego Therapy, Therapy dogs and a Speech and Language Therapist.
We are able to make referrals to a variety of support services and we also seek advice and support from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), School Nurse, Speech and Language Therapists, Early Help Practitioners, the Educational Psychology Service and also Salford’s Learning Support Service.
New Park Academy is part of the Emotionally Friendly Settings programme and is Bronze accredited.
Emotionally Friendly Settings is a flexible whole-setting approach to improving children and young people’s emotional health and well-being.
An emotionally friendly setting is able to effectively identify and respond to a broad range of emotional needs of children and young people, raising their well-being to enable them to succeed and thrive.
Developed by educational Psychologists, the programme provides the best proven methods, tools and support to help nurture happy, successful young people by identifying and responding to all of their emotional needs. The Emotionally Friendly Settings programme is in 4 key areas:
- Staff wellbeing
- Whole school setting and practice
- Assessing children and young people’s needs
- Supporting individual children and young people
New Park Academy’s Emotionally friendly Settings champions are listed below.
Key Staff to contact regarding your child’s emotional wellbeing are:
· Almut Bever–Warren (Head teacher, Safeguarding lead and EFS Champion)
· Yahna Pemberton (Safeguarding and attendance)
· Karen Seymour (Counsellor, Mental Health First Aider, EFS Champion)
· Nicola Lawless (Mental Health First Aider, EFS Champion)