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Pictor Acadmey

‘Believe and Succeed’


Our Values and Ethos

Believe and Succeed



Our dedicated, motivated and well trained staff create a caring and safe environment where the needs of every young person is addressed and where every child is supported and encouraged to excel.



Everyone in our school is valued equally, whatever their roles, abilities, beliefs, sexual preferences or needs are. We believe every individual is special and their unique qualities are recognised and celebrated in our school.



We strive to ensure that the physical, emotional, academic and mental health needs of all members of our school community are met, and to do this we rely on the support our pupils families, carers and a range of external agencies.



New Park offers a broad, creative and therapeutic curriculum which supports our pupils learning and nourishes their emotional growth. At each stage in their learning, our pupils are supported and nurtured allowing them to fulfil their potential in every area whether they are in our Junior Provision, our High School or part of our individualised EOTiS (Education other than in School) programme.



Through commitment and dedication to their studies, our students acquire the knowledge, skills and independence needed to help them adapt to the different challenges that they will face in school and in life’s journey, and support them as they move towards achieving their personaland academic goals.



We recognise and celebrate each individual pupil's achievement in learning and behaviour and the many contributions they make to the school community.



We support our young people to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding to help them on their journey through school and beyond.


New Park Junior School supports KS2 pupils who have a range of social, emotional and/or mental health difficulties. We have a clear ethos which promotes the "helping children achieve more outcomes agenda" and a strong sense of community. We want our children to develop an enquiring mind, become independent, life-long learners and achieve individual goals to reach their unique potential. We believe it is important that they are self-motivated and able to listen to the views of others. At New Park Primary, we help children be respectful, well-mannered and tolerant citizens of the local and wider community. Children are taught in classes of no more than 8 children, supported by at least two qualified members of staff in the class setting, with additional support available for literacy, numeracy, anger management and emotional literacy sessions.


We further achieve this by providing:

A positive, caring and nurturing ethos

A broad, interesting and challenging curriculum

An interactive and stimulating learning environment,

A supportive partnership between school, home and the community


Our School Motto is: Be a.......





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